03333 207 300

Disclosure Scotland - https://www.mygov.scot/working-jobs/finding-a-job/disclosure/

“Disclosure Scotland manages the Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme, a membership scheme for people who work with children or vulnerable adults. The PVG Scheme enables organisations in the public, private and voluntary sectors to make safer recruitment decisions by identifying candidates who may not be suitable for certain work, especially work that involves children or protected adults.”

Scottish Government, Education and Training - http://www.gov.scot/Topics/Education

“The Scottish Government wants to improve life chances for young people, support economic growth and increase the number of jobs.”

Education Scotland - https://education.gov.scot/

“Education Scotland is a Scottish Government executive agency charged with supporting quality and improvement in Scottish education and thereby securing the delivery of better learning experiences and outcomes for Scottish learners of all ages.”

NHS Health Scotland - http://www.healthscotland.scot/

“NHS Health Scotland is a national Health Board working to reduce health inequalities and improve health.”

The Care Inspectorate - http://www.careinspectorate.com/index.php

“The Care Inspectorate is a scrutiny body which supports improvement. The Care Inspectorate looks at the quality of care in Scotland to ensure it meets high standards. Where improvement is needed they support services to make positive changes.”

DisclosuresDBS - http://www.disclosuresdbs.co.uk/

DisclosuresDBS is a completely electronic online system which enables organisations to manage their Disclosure applications with the DBS (formerly the CRB) in England and Wales.
Customers using the e-Disclosures service can benefit immediately from a fast, paperless and error free application process. That literally means no paper forms, no applicant signatures and no reliance on the postal service.”